About R’ Shneur Zalman Eliezer Horowitz, son of R’ Itche der Masmid, who was the mashgiach in Yeshivas Tomchei T’mimim in Lud. * Presented to mark the day of his passing on 5 Adar I 5744.
About R’ Shneur Zalman Eliezer Horowitz, son of R’ Itche der Masmid, who was the mashgiach in Yeshivas Tomchei T’mimim in Lud. * Presented to mark the day of his passing on 5 Adar I 5744.
We must hold on! Please do not let Galus shake your Emuna at the very last moment. We all know that right before daybreak the darkness is strongest.
In a Heavenly-inspired yechidus, the Rebbe foresaw the future for the Jewish community along the Iraqi border. A Belzer Chassid traveled to Cordoba, Spain, the city of the Rambam, to supervise the production for Kosher L’Pesach oil, and he found himself being watched by a suspicious-looking Arab. When he placed his hands on the man’s notepad, he was amazed to discover that his fears were way off the mark… And what did all this have to do with the Rebbe MH”M’s shlichus to repair a mikveh located in a place where not a single Jew lived? An amazing Baal Shem’ske Maaseh about the Rebbe’s concern for every Jew.
When the wagon stopped for the third time that day, even the gentiles realized that everything that happened with the Nasi Ha’dor was with his consent. The axles broke, the horse died, and nature changed all because the Alter Rebbe wanted to spend Shabbos on the roadside.
R’ Yaakov Katz wears “two hats” – Chief Pharmacist of the Israeli Ministry of Health of the Central Region and unofficial shliach of the Rebbe at the Ministry of Health, two quite challenging jobs. * In a fascinating discussion with Beis Moshiach, R’ Katz told of his life in a small town in England and how he became involved with Chabad, about his job as Chief Pharmacist and a Chassid who travels in the rarified world of highly educated health professionals who are for the most part very distant from anything Jewish.
Parshas P’kudei presents an accounting of all the materials that went into the construction of the Mishkan, the portable Sanctuary in the desert. It also details all of the components of the Mishkan and mentions how the two chief architects, Betzalel and Ahaliav, executed everything “as G-d commanded Moses.”
The shluchim to the Philippines, Yossi and Tiferet Levy, had no idea where it was located on the globe. It was only after they started getting signs that they asked the Rebbe and opened to a clear answer to go on shlichus. And since then, there they are … * In this faraway country they collect neshamos and are preparing this chain of islands for the Geula. There is a lot of work to be done.