Now, when we delve into the matter, it is readily understood that indeed [it is not just a possible outcome that all souls will cleave to their Divine source in Olam HaBa] it must be this way.
Now, when we delve into the matter, it is readily understood that indeed [it is not just a possible outcome that all souls will cleave to their Divine source in Olam HaBa] it must be this way.
Gazing at the picture of the Rebbe is a known concept in Lubavitch, especially at times when it isn’t possible to see the Rebbe. * In recent years, a group of bachurim from Chabad yeshivos in New York has put up tens of thousands of pictures on an internet site, including thousands of pictures that were previously unknown. * The bachurim have also uncovered hundreds of new video excerpts of the Rebbe, including footage of events and farbrengens that nobody has ever seen! * They decided to “squander the treasures” and share them with the world
Moses pleads with G-d to be able to cross over the Jordan. Moses’ desire to be in the Land of Israel was so great that, according to our Sages, he devoted 515 prayers to get G-d to rescind His decree that Moses could not enter the land.
It’s been two years since the start of the ‘Parsha B’Daka’ initiative. It exposes tens of thousands of people to the central message of the weekly ‘D’var Malchus’ sicha in one minute. The chassidim behind this project, R’ Yitzchak Kobi and R’ Eitan Gurion, spoke to us about this special production and the hundreds of moving responses they receive each week from dozens of countries across the world.
Why did it take the Alter Rebbe two hours to wipe his Shabbos cup? What did Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Schneersohn say when there was no food for Shabbos? * A compilation of stories about our Rebbeim and Shabbos, presented for Parshas VaEschanan when we read “Preserve the Shabbos to sanctify it.”
Letters home, written by R’ Tuvia Zilberstrom during his k’vutza year, describing some of the events of Menachem-Av 5734 in 770 with the Rebbe. 1079By R’ Tuvia Zilberstrom