לע”נ הרב רחמים ב”ר יואב אנטיאן ע”ה
The second in a series, Volume 2 of Likkutei Mekoros is a collection of sources from all parts of the Torah showing that the Rebbe is Moshiach. (Forthcoming sources will, G-d willing, delve into the sichos of the Rebbe regarding the emuna, the simple faith, of Chassidim that is so crucial in our unprecedented times.) These sources will answer some of the common questions on the subject. They appear in the following order:
*First, sources where the Rebbe states explicitly who Moshiach is in every generation;
*Sources where the Rebbe states explicitly who Moshiach is in our generation. “The Rebbe, my rather-in-law, the nasi of our generation.” The Rebbe requested that these sichos be published and publicized in the media.
*Sources where the statements are not as explicit. Nevertheless, the content is quite clear: Moshiach’s name is Menachem; Moshiach and the Beis HaMikdash will be revealed in 770; Moshiach’s birth is connected to the 11th of Nissan; the beginning of his leadership is connected to the 11th of Shvat; and more;
*Sources regarding the phrase ‘The Rebbe, my father-in-law, the nasi of our generation.” Throughout the forty-two years of sichos, the Chassidim have known that with such language the Rebbe most often was actually referring to himself, that he and Rebbe Rayatz are one. This was especially true in reference to the title “The nasi of our generation,” which by definition means “The Moshiach of the generation.”
*Following the above are sources from sichos, Gemara Bavli, Yerushalmi, and other sources in nigleh and poskim, that there is no basis whatsoever that Gimmel Tammuz should change what the Rebbe has already established – that Moshiach is already revealed and is effecting changes in the world.
(The material herein can be used as a text or as the material for a shiur that every teacher can develop and elucidate in his or her own way. Whoever wishes to make copies of these sources as printed herein is welcome and encouraged to do so.)
The above sources in sichos aside, may we always remember that our very own eyes saw the Rebbe himself encourage the singing of “Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach l’olam va’ed” from Simchas Torah of 5753 onward.
Let us hope that in the merit of our unyielding trust in Hashem, and our emuna in the words of the Rebbe, that we will speedily merit to see the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach shlita with our eyes of flesh, and he will lead us out of Galus immediately!
––Rabbi Shloma Majeski, 20 Marcheshvan 5764
The sichos from 5751 and 5752 (that will be cited in the upcoming chapters), where the Rebbe states that he is Moshiach, were edited by the Rebbe himself. This chapter establishes how the Rebbe had instructed that they be publicized in Jewish newspapers and periodicals. * Chapter One of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros Volume 2. (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)
From the year 5748, we merited that the lion’s share of the published Shabbos farbrengens were personally edited by the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach. According to wide request, and on account of the sheer quantity of these sichos, worthy to be established as a standalone set, these sichos were not included in the Appendix of the volumes of Likkutei Sichos (as were the sichos of the preceding years). Rather, we compiled them under a single title, as a work unto itself.
The sichos appear here in their original format – hence the variation in their linguistic format, alternating between Lashon HaKodesh (the Holy Tongue, Hebrew), and Yiddish – as edited by the Rebbe shlita and published at the time.*
*In the magazine Kfar Chabad as well as the newspaper The Algemeiner Journal (and thereafter as independent booklets).
(Title page of Seifer HaSichos 5751)
The sichos appear here in their original format – hence the variation in their linguistic format, alternating between Lashon HaKodesh (the Holy Tongue, Hebrew), and Yiddish – as edited by the Rebbe shlita and published at the time.*
*The majority of which were published in the magazine Kfar Chabad as well as the newspaper The Algemeiner Journal.
(Title page of Seifer HaSichos 5752)
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