This person has not given any thought to the concept of redemption. His mind is steeped in other things. Naturally, kosher – even glatt kosher – things, but matters that have nothing to do with the redemption … He is simply not at all accustomed to thinking about the redemption. Thus, when all of a sudden he is faced with the news that Moshiach has arrived – for him, that is the greatest possible wonder.
Translated by Boruch Merkur
The fact that there are Jews who can be seen reacting to these words with wonder and astonishment – that is not on account of the matter being inconceivable, but simply because they are not used to thinking about the redemption. As a result of the extreme novelty of the subject, for them it is indeed a wonder!In light of the clear rulings of the Torah mentioned above, it is obvious to every Jew that the redemption can come immediately, in this very instant – even before the molad, the birth of the new moon, which will take place at (approximately) 12 noon. Of course, were the redemption to have already begun at that point, the sanctification of the new moon would be established by eyewitnesses.
It is obvious to a Jew that the redemption can take place immediately, because every Jew is “a believer, son of a believer” in G-d Alm-ghty, in the Torah, and in the rulings mentioned above. Indeed, these are judgments issued by true Torah authorities, possessing all the force of positive commandments and prohibitive commandments, as above. Thus, it is absolutely no wonder to a Jew that the redemption can arrive in but an instant, even if up until that point the exile persists.
The fact that there are Jews who can be seen reacting to these words with wonder and astonishment – that is not on account of the matter being inconceivable, but simply because they are not used to thinking about the redemption. As a result of the extreme novelty of the subject, for them it is indeed a wonder!
This phenomenon – that there are matters that are of themselves not perplexing, but when an individual is unaccustomed to them, it is to him a great wonder – this can be empirically observed. The same is true in our case: The notion that the redemption can take place right now is itself not something that is fantastical. In fact, it can be explained rationally, even in terms that the mind of the Animal Soul can comprehend. It is just that for a very long time now this person has not given any thought to the concept of redemption. His mind is steeped in other things. Naturally, kosher – even glatt kosher – things, but matters that have nothing to do with the redemption. Then, habit becomes second nature, or something worse than that – to the extent that he is simply not accustomed to thinking about the redemption at all. Thus, when all of a sudden he is faced with the news that Moshiach has arrived – for him, that is the greatest possible wonder.
We are talking about a Jew who studies Torah, fulfills Mitzvos, does good deeds, and especially one who is wise. Indeed, the wisdom of the truly wise is detectable in their eating and their drinking, in their conduct, and their manner of going to sleep, etc. – but none of this has anything to do with the redemption!
There is a simple litmus test:
Every person should sit himself down, alone, in a closed room (in order that others should not see the look on his face), and peer deeply inside himself in order to arrive at an accurate assessment as to when he last truly thought about the fact that G-d Alm-ghty is taking him – yes, him personally! – out of this final exile! G-d Alm-ghty takes him personally out of this very exile that he finds himself in, and he goes together with Moshiach to the true and complete redemption!
Simply contemplating this on one’s own, in pursuit of the truth – this brings the person to entertain thoughts of t’shuva , repentance, which causes him to instantly become a tzaddik gamor , a totally righteous person. And when “the Jewish people repent” then “immediately they are redeemed,” bringing redemption and salvation to the entire world instantly!
Then it will immediately be fulfilled, “I shall return your judges as in former times,” near the altar in the Third Beis HaMikdash, which will descend from above. Indeed, witnesses who saw the new moon will come running immediately to sanctify the month.
It is said, “They are destined to be renewed as [the moon].” [That is, in the time of the redemption, the Jewish people will be renewed just as the moon is renewed each month.] This will take place in our holy land, “A land upon which…the eyes of G-d, your L-rd, are upon it from the beginning of the year until the end of the year,” in Yerushalayim the holy city, upon the Temple Mount, the Third Beis HaMikdash, speedily in our days, literally, in our times.
(From the address of Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim Mevarchim HaChodesh and Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar Rishon 5746, bilti muga.)
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