All of this came about as a result of the activities of spreading Torah and Judaism, justice and morality throughout the entire world, which was done by and is still being done by nasi doreinu, the Moshiach of the generation. * Chapter Three of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros Vol. 2. (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)
לע”נ הרב רחמים ב”ר יואב אנטיאן ע”ה
Translated by Boruch Merkur
[The Rebbe Rayatz] nasi ha’dor, vigorously began and established the refinement and purification of “the lower hemisphere” when he immigrated there and established his headquarters in this country [USA] and this city [NY]. In so doing, the revelation of the Giving of the Torah (which occurred in “the upper hemisphere”) also reached this side of the world. America actually became the central bastion for disseminating Torah and the wellsprings [of Chassidus] outward, literally throughout all corners of the earth.
The spreading of Torah and Judaism is accomplished by means of the emissaries the Rebbe sends across the globe (even to “the upper hemisphere”), sent to even the most far-flung corners of the world to reach out to all Jews (including, and especially, Jews who live among the gentile nations, who speak their language, and behave outwardly as they do). It is essential to spread all matters of goodness, justice, and morality to the gentile nations as well, by their fulfilling the Mitzvos commanded to B’nei Noach, as has been heavily emphasized in recent years. Indeed, this objective becomes more and more vital as we advance towards and approach the advent of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, when “Then I shall transform the nations to have a clear language, to all call in the name of G-d, and to serve Him as one body.”
In recent years (beginning with Shnas Nissim, the Year of Miracles [5750], and continuing into Shas Niflaos Ar’enu, the Year of I Shall Show You Wonders [5751], and Niflaos BaKol, Wonders in Everything [5752]), the influence on Gentiles reached its pinnacle with the breaching of the borders of that country [the Soviet Union], when it came to regret that it had proclaimed open war on the dissemination of Torah and Judaism, having even waged war on faith in the Creator and Ruler of the world (including incarcerating my revered father in-law, the Rebbe, nasi doreinu, and his subsequent and resultant leaving the borders of that country).
Notwithstanding the opposition that existed in the Soviet Union, the activities of the emissaries of nasi doreinu in spreading Torah and Judaism continued there too, albeit in secret and with literal self-sacrifice. Their work progressed until – in very recent times – the governmental decree was rescinded, allowing the actives of spreading Torah and Judaism to continue with greater strength and greater might, overtly and publically. Then, after the fall of the previous leader, a new leader rose to power, one who called for justice, accountability, and peace, on the foundation of faith in the Creator and Ruler of the World.
In further continuation of this move towards embracing the truth of G-d and the advent of Moshiach, on this Erev Shabbos, a conference took place between the new leader of Russia and the leader of this nation, along with the participation of several other leaders of the great nations of the world. There they accepted the resolution and call to “beat their swords into ploughshares.”
The fact that the hosting of this conference, this resolution, and this proclamation took place in the city of nasi doreinu, my revered father in-law, the Rebbe (where leaders of state gathered, including the leader of this nation, who had to travel from the capital city to this city), suggests that all of this came about as a result of the activities of spreading Torah and Judaism, justice and morality throughout the entire world, which was done by and is still being done by nasi doreinu, the Moshiach of the generation.* In fact, through the perfection of the avoda in all that was discussed above, in these times, the entire world has become suitable for and prepared for the beginning of the activities of Melech HaMoshiach: “He will judge among the Gentiles and rebuke many nations, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares.”
Also the (particular) time when this conference took place is auspicious for the redemption, in many respects:
Firstly, in terms of the day of the week: The conference began on Erev Shabbos, which is the eve of and preparation for a “day that is entirely Shabbos and tranquility for eternal life” (Tamid, end), when “dangers (including weapons) are eradicated from the world.” Moreover, since one must “add from the weekdays to the sacred [meaning by accepting Shabbos prior to sundown] – analogous to a wolf, which attacks with both its front and hind legs (for it takes time from the mundane week and gives it to the sanctity of Shabbos) – already on Erev Shabbos the status of “a day that is entirely Shabbos” is attained, a time when “dangers are eradicated from the world.”
Secondly, in terms of the day of the month: The conference took place on the twenty-sixth of Shvat – 26 being numerically equivalent to G-d’s name Havaya, Creator of the universe, “alluding to the state of [consciousness in] the Future Era, when G-d’s creating the world through His name Havaya will be perceived throughout the entirety of Creation, as it is written, “The glory of G-d will be revealed and all flesh will see that the mouth of G-d speaks.” At that time, there will be no possibility for undesirable things (dangerous things and weapons), as it is written, “They will not cause harm nor will they destroy…for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of G-d.”
This concept is further underscored by both auspicious timely aspects coming together at the same time, insofar as the twenty-sixth of the month comes out on Friday, the sixth day of the week, which embodies the sixth day of Creation, the day when Adam HaRishon was created, the primary and ultimate intent of the entire Creation.
(From the address of Shabbos Parshas Mishpatim, 27 Shvat, Mevarchim HaChodesh Adar I; Seifer HaSichos 5752, pg. 364-5)
*Footnote 25: See below pg. 469-470 that the nasi ha’dor is the Moshiach of the generation, with added emphasis in my revered father in-law, the Rebbe, leader of the generation, whose names both emphasize [Moshiach]: “Yosef” – “The L-rd will add a second time his hand, etc., and gather the oppressed the Jewish people, etc.” (Yeshayahu 11:11-12); and “Yitzchok” for “then He will fill our mouths with laughter” (T’hillim 126:2; see Brachos 31a).
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