A woman does this through her own proper conduct, as well as by educating her children and family members to behave in a manner appropriate for a “Sanctuary” and a “Temple” for G-d, and in particular, a finely crafted and adorned Sanctuary or Temple. * From Chapter Seven of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)
Translated by Boruch Merkur
17. […] Jewish women, young ladies, and girls have the special mission to see to it that their house is a “nice home” adorned with “fine furnishings.”
The first step towards this end is through fulfilling and strengthening the three Mitzvos entrusted to women in their own homes – overseeing the kashrus of food and drink, family purity, and candles for Shabbos Kodesh and Yom Tov. This includes encouraging girls (from as young as age three) to light candles (before their mother lights, so she can help them, etc.).
Similarly, they should influence other women and girls to fulfill and strengthen these particular Mitzvos.
In general, women are entrusted with the bulk of the responsibility and merit to make a dwelling place for G-d in the lower realms, making the physical world into a “nice home” with “fine furnishings” – “You shall make for Me a Sanctuary and I shall dwell among them,” “within each and every Jew.” The correct approach to this task is by beginning with oneself and one’s own household – making it into a Sanctuary and Temple for G-d, a house of Torah, prayer, and acts of kindness (as discussed on many occasions). A woman does this through her own proper conduct, as well as by educating her children and family members to behave in a manner appropriate for a “Sanctuary” and a “Temple” for G-d, and in particular, a finely crafted and adorned Sanctuary or Temple.
This care also extends to what is brought into the house, and into each room of the house – things that are relevant to Torah, prayer, and acts of kindness. It also includes ensuring that every child in the home has his or her own Chumash (among other Torah s’farim), a Siddur, and a charity box. All the better if they also have their own pocket-sized Tanya.
And in general, women should accept upon themselves positive resolutions to add and strengthen in educating Jewish boys and girls, beginning from a very young age (as above).
Moreover, and this too is of primary importance, in this generation in particular, and especially with regard to shluchos, tichyehna: to encourage other women and girls in all matters of Torah and Mitzvos and Judaism, spreading Torah and Judaism, in all three areas of Torah, prayer, and acts of kindness, and spreading the wellsprings outward.
In particular, [success in this mission is achieved by] drawing strength from my revered father in-law, the Rebbe, leader of the generation, and from his synagogue and beis midrash, and center for altruistic activity (where we are right now). Here the Rebbe (throughout the final decade of his life in this world) was involved in Torah, prayer, and acts of kindness, and with emphasis in all three areas, as well as in spreading the wellsprings outward. Now – even after the Rebbe’s efforts have been done – each individual may tap into this energy, and in a manner of “rising in holiness,” continually adding and shining on.
In our times, the final moments prior to the redemption, it is also of utmost importance to inspire all Jewish women and girls to immediately bring about the true and complete redemption, which comes “as a reward for the righteous women of the generation,” as above.
18. May it be G-d’s will, and this is of primary importance, that so it should be in actuality, and immediately, especially in proximately to Chaf-Beis Shvat – “Becha [which equals 22] yevareich Yisroel” – that in the merit and reward of the righteous women, all Jews should finally be redeemed in the true and complete redemption.
“And those who reside in the dust shall get up and sing,” my revered father in-law, the Rebbe, among them, as well as his daughter, of blessed memory, together with all the righteous men and women, and all souls in general, together with all Jews that are now living – may they be blessed with longevity and welfare, a healthy soul in a healthy body. May we go on to experience, without any interruption at all, eternal life with the true and complete redemption through Moshiach Tzidkeinu. And may it take place immediately. First and foremost, it should happen absolutely immediately, in the literal and actual sense.
(From the address of Shabbos Parshas Yisro, 20 Shvat, and the night and day of Monday of Parshas Mishpatim, 22 Shvat, 5752; Seifer HaSichos 5752, pg. 360-1)
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