Translated by Boruch Merkur
It is not correct to say that the thought of redemption in the time of exile is a dream, but the exact opposite: when we think about exile – that is the dream! * It is specifically when one accepts the illusion of exile, that it is a dream; it is only during the (dream of) exile that one fools himself into thinking that it is reality!
The Alter Rebbe wanted to share this insight with the Jewish people in advance. During the time of exile, every Jew must know that exile is a dream! It is explained in Torah Ohr – in the maamer beginning with the words, “A song of ascents: When G-d returns the returnees to Tziyon, we will have been as dreamers” – that exile is like a dream: “we will have been as dreamers.” However, in the midst of the dream [i.e., during exile], people delude themselves into believing that it is real. The fact is though that exile is actually a dream!
The illusion of exile will be openly perceived as such in the Future Era, as the verse teaches, “When G-d returns the returnees to Tziyon, we will have been as dreamers.” In Torah Ohr, the Alter Rebbe elaborates: “The meaning here is that this aspect of dreaming will be revealed in the Future Era. [That is, at that time] everyone will recognize, know, and comprehend that the life-energy drawn to them during the time of exile was from the aspect of dreaming, for which reason they will say, ‘we were as dreamers.’” It is not correct to say that the thought of redemption in the time of exile is a dream, but the exact opposite: when we think about exile – that is the dream!
This teaching was said by the Alter Rebbe during the time of exile, knowing what he states in the maamer that begins with the words “And the one thousand and seven hundred” – that the date predicted as the beginning of the redemption will be decades thereafter, in the year 5603 or 5608. Nevertheless the Alter Rebbe says here that they will then know that exile is a dream! [Curiously, the Alter Rebbe states a fact and then says that this fact will only be known at a later date.]
[To reconcile this seeming contradiction, we must say that] the fact that exile is a dream will only be openly experienced as such in the Future Era, whereas at present, people perceive that the dream of exile is not a dream at all but reality. However, the Alter Rebbe wanted to share this insight with the Jewish people in advance, during the time of exile.
In effect, Dovid HaMelech had already dispelled the illusion of exile in T’hillim with the verse, “When G-d returns the returnees to Tziyon, we will have been as dreamers.” The Alter Rebbe, however, quoted the verse and elucidated it according to the teachings of Chassidus Chabad, and thereafter it was further expounded upon by the Rebbes who followed him. The maamer was then published and publicized in the book Torah Ohr. Certainly the Alter Rebbe wanted Torah Ohr to be disseminated everywhere, insofar as it is relevant to all aspects of Torah, especially the inner dimension of the Torah. Thus, the Alter Rebbe wished to spread word of this insight even amidst our current state [among those who are steeped in the dream of exile]. According to the Alter Rebbe, every Jew must know that exile is a dream!
Since this teaching became part of the Torah and all Jews may study it, this in turn has an impact upon the world and the exile itself, as it is said: “The Alm-ghty gazed into the Torah and created the world” [illustrating the causal relationship between Torah and the world]. Likewise, “anyone who gazes into it, into the Torah, and exerts himself in it, sustains the world, as it were.”
From this it is understood that the fact that we are speaking incessantly about the redemption and clamoring that Moshiach should come now, notwithstanding the fact that we are presently in exile – this is not a dream at all. On the contrary, it is reality!
It is specifically when one accepts the illusion of exile, that it is a dream; it is only during the (dream of) exile that one fools himself into thinking that it is reality!
On the other hand, when Jews consider the exile to be reality, and redemption to be a dream, and when they claim that “Behold, Moshiach comes” is a dream – that is not the opposite of proper faith. Indeed, they believe in the coming of Moshiach, it is just that their faith remains detached from them; it is not internalized. Consequently, the redemption is for them like a dream. […]
Nor is this approach contrary to Torah per se, for the Torah itself states, “we will have been as dreamers.” That is, according to Torah the exile is in fact a dream, a dream to the extent that the perception in the dream of exile is that redemption is a dream and exile is reality. Thus it is understandable why talk about the redemption is met with wonderment.
Similarly with regard to all the questions asked in the time of exile regarding the redemption. For example, the baal ha’geula [the Rebbe Rayatz] said decades ago, “immediately to redemption,” begging the question: how is it possible that this has not yet come to fruition and Moshiach still has not come? It is necessary to know that all these questions, difficulties, and doubts come from the dream of exile. From the mindset of exile, proofs, explanations, and answers are indeed required.
(From the address of Shabbos Parshas Pinchas 5740, bilti muga)
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