April 11, 2014
Rabbi Gershon Avtzon in #923, Moshiach & Geula

Today is 11 Nissan 5774, the 112th birthday of the Rebbe MH”M. It is a day that we give thanks to Hashem for allowing the Neshama of the Rebbe to descend to this earth and prepare the world for the coming of Moshiach. This concept is brought out in the new chapter of T’hillim that we begin saying this year, chapter 113. It is the beginning chapter of the Hallel in which we thank Hashem for the miracles associated with the Geula of Mitzrayim.

Dear Fellow Chassidim sh’yichyu,

L’chaim! L’chaim V’Livracha!

The Rebbe was born to bring Geula for the Jewish people. The Frierdike Rebbe writes that in the year 5662 there was a big decree in heaven against the Jewish people. However, “right before Pesach” the decree was nullified.

 The Rebbe writes about his childhood: “From the time that I was a child attending cheder, and even before, the vision of the future Redemption began to take form in my imagination – the Redemption of the Jewish People from their final Exile, a redemption of such magnitude and grandeur through which the purpose of the suffering, the harsh decrees and annihilation of Exile will be understood…” 

It is not by coincidence that the Rebbe’s first seifer (besides for compiling HaYom Yom) was his explanations on the Hagada Shel Pesach, which is the story of Geula. In a similar vein, the first Mivtza of the Rebbe was Mivtza Matza, which is all about Emuna and Geula.

In the Sicha of Tetzaveh 5752, the Rebbe explains a fascinating insight on the connection between 11 Nissan and Moshiach:

In the month of Nissan in the year of the Chanukas HaMishkan, the N’siim brought their Korbanos. On the 11th day of Nissan, the Nasi of the tribe of Asher gave his offering. One of the blessings that the tribe of Asher received was that their inheritance in Eretz Yisroel would be blessed with much oil.

Oil was used to anoint Malchus Beis Dovid and will be used to anoint Moshiach, as it says (T’hillim 89): “I have found David My servant; with My holy oil have I anointed him.”

 The Rebbe says that the 11th of Nissan represents the concept of anointing the Rosh B’nei Yisroel, the Moshe Rabbeinu of our generation, as Melech HaMoshiach! In the sicha of Yisro 5752 (footnote 50), the Rebbe connects the 11th of Nissan to the 11th of Shevat (Kabbalas HaNesius). The Rebbe says: “What was born in (11) Nissan, comes to revealed Nesius in Shevat!”

Let us finish with the words of the Rebbe (Shabbos HaGadol 5751): “What was said previously concerning the Redemption receives extra emphasis as we find ourselves in the month of Nissan of this year, ‘It will be a year of miracles [that] I will show you.’ “And as we said (also in the general letters) regarding the wonders and miracles which occurred this year (close to Purim), an opponent of the Jews was nullified. The victory reached the point that the enemy freed some of the prisoners of war in a fitting manner, as we previously discussed in detail.

“And certainly the Holy One, Blessed be He, will continue to reveal wonders and miracles until – and most important – “I will show you miracles” in the true and complete Redemption.”


Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (http://www.beismoshiachmagazine.org/).
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