The True Reason for Financial Hardships
May 19, 2019
The Rebbe in #1166, From the Rebbe's pen

An answer from the Rebbe to someone who wrote about his hardships in Parnassah:

אולי החסיר לאחרונה – בשיעורי בתורה וכיו”ב בעניני מצות.

אשר זהו בטח הסיבה הפנימית (ובמילא גם האמתית) להעדר ההטבה בהנ”ל.


Perhaps you have caused a deficiency lately – in your Torah studies and the like in matters of Mitzvos.

This is, most certainly, the inner reason (and therefore — also the true reason) to the lack of improvement in your abovementioned financial hardships.

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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