October 8, 2013
Beis Moshiach in #897, Tzivos Hashem

Avremy hurried to leave the house. “Tomorrow night there will be a shiur and I need to hang up flyers so people will know about it,” he thought, “especially when the one giving the shiur this week is none other than Mendy who is coming from the yeshiva in Tzfas just in order to be able to give this weekly D’var Malchus shiur to the children of Tzivos Hashem.”

The weekly shiur in the D’var Malchus began about half a year ago, after Pesach, but now, after everyone had returned from Tishrei with the Rebbe, no doubt it would look completely different.

Avremy bought more refreshments than he usually did. He set up the benches in a corner of the shul and called Mendy to confirm that he would be coming on time.

Mendy arrived within fifteen minutes. The children were already seated and eagerly awaiting the shiur.

“Yechi HaMelech HaMoshiach! Hello everyone!” began Mendy. “When I agreed to come and give this D’var Malchus shiur, I immediately sat down to learn the sicha again, so I would be well prepared. After learning the sicha for a while, it occurred to me that when starting a new year of learning the D’var Malchus, it would be a good idea to explain why it’s so important to learn these sichos in particular. After all, there are many other sichos of the Rebbe which are also essential. So why do we make a big deal of these particular sichos known as the D’var Malchus?

“Before we begin to learn the sicha, I decided to tell you a mashal that I heard from my father: In a country somewhere, there lived a mighty king. The king had numerous servants and fabulous wealth. He had a huge, impressive looking palace where he and his royal family lived.

“One day, the king decided the time had come to build a new palace, a much nicer palace than the one he was living in.

“He also made another decision, one that had all the people of the kingdom filled with excitement. The king wanted the new palace that he was building to also be the private home of everybody in his kingdom. It would be a house for all of them to live in.

“In order for ordinary people who lived in simple houses to be able to live in a magnificent palace, they had to know what life in a palace is like. The king assigned special people to teach the populace how to behave and live in the king’s palace. In addition, the king also published books and articles in which he explained in detail how to live in a splendid palace.

“The king said that by way of preparing to live in the royal palace, before they even got inside, the people had to start getting used to living as one lives in a palace.”


Before Mendy could explain the nimshal, Chaim’ke jumped up and said, “I got it! Before the Geula, the Rebbe wants us to live a Geula life, a life that is fitting for the time and place we are living in, when the Geula will arrive momentarily.”

“Very good,” said Mendy with a smile, and then he immediately continued. “That is precisely the point. In order to be able to live that kind of life, we need to learn the sichos of the D’var Malchus. In these sichos, the Rebbe teaches us how to do it, how to live Geula. In these sichos, the Rebbe guides us in how one needs to be in this era we are living in, at the entranceway to Yemos HaMoshiach.”

Onwards soldiers! The new school year is an excellent time to begin learning the D’var Malchus. If you haven’t started yet, it’s never too late. You can always jump on the bandwagon!

See you at the Beis HaMikdash at the biggest-ever D’var Malchus shiur, which will be the teachings of Moshiach after his complete hisgalus, “Torah chadasha mei’iti teitzei.”



Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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