February 20, 2018
Shneur Zalman Berger in #1107, Chabad History, Diary of the late R’ Saadya Maatuf

The room was packed with bachurim and some men, and it was difficult to see the Rebbe. It was warm and very crowded. I stood on tiptoe but heard the Rebbe and saw him from the side. The Rebbe sat on a simple chair, leaning slightly on the desk near him. The Rebbe spoke about Resurrection of the Dead and other things. Rashag asked questions and the Rebbe answered and explained. I could only ask myselfhow had I merited this? * Fascinating reports and memories from the month of Adar 5734 with the Rebbe, published for the very first time from the diary of the late RSaadya Maatuf.


Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Truma, 1 Adar

To our delight, there was a farbrengen on Shabbos. Before that, there were guesses that there wouldn’t be a farbrengen, but boruch Hashem, in Hashem’s compassion on us, there was a farbrengen.

The Rebbe spoke about Eretz Yisroel and mentioned the names of parties, Labor, Likud, and said the main thing is that Mafdal should remain strong. The Rebbe praised their remaining in the opposition and mentioned that Labor was including in its coalition three Arab Knesset members whose conditions were to concede on Yehuda-Shomron. It is people like these who will decide whether there will be halachic conversions or not, when they themselves oppose having “Jew” written in their ID papers instead of “Arab.”

The Rebbe said a Jew once extended his hand to an Arab woman, which they consider a disgrace, and it is forbidden to give one’s hand to an Arab woman, and the Jew apologized.

The Rebbe revealed many important things, like the fact that the internationalizing of the Old City of Yerushalayim was already agreed upon (i.e., turning the Old City into an international city under UN supervision), and only the “big boss” (the U.S. Government) wants the signature of generals etc. He also said it does not pay for Labor to have new elections since that general (Arik Sharon) who revealed secrets, only revealed half the secrets, and if there were new elections he would reveal all the secrets and then it wouldn’t pay for Labor. It was an interesting and painful sicha about the tzaros now in Eretz Yisroel.  

During the farbrengen, the Rebbe motioned to R’ Reuven Hilman of Kfar Chabad to come over, and he gave him a bottle of mashke, and I think the point was for him to farbreng in Kfar Chabad. He also mentioned Mivtza Mezuza and Mivtza Purim. He gave the mezonos and mashke to R’ Dovid Raskin for the gathering to take place tonight in the library of Tzeirei Agudas Chabad.

After the farbrengen there was Mincha, and for the reading of the Torah they took out the Torah of Moshiach. The Rebbe was given shlishi. After the davening he began singing “Hinei Ma Tov,” and left for his office.

Sunday, 2 Adar

There was yechidus tonight. Among those who went in [to the Rebbe] was the Bostoner Rebbe. One of his escorts said that the Rebbe said to establish something along the lines of Nachalat Har Chabad [apparently for his followers]. The matter is not clear to me so I will not write any details. There was a man and his wife who were brought by Rabbi Krinsky, and when they went in the Rebbe’s door was left open. The Jew entered the Rebbe’s room, and before he reached the desk, the Rebbe stood up to his full height and extended his hand with a big smile. It was a real pleasure to see the Rebbe smile like that. This yechidus went on for a long time.

Maariv was held at about 12:15 am. After Maariv, the brother of the Admur of Gur [R’ Pinchas Menachem Alter, who later succeeded his brother] went in for yechidus.

The yechidus schedule concluded after five in the morning.


Wednesday, 5 Adar

Tonight there were two different sheva brachos that were held [in the small zal], for Shpringer and Leibke Levin. I only participated in the second sheva brachos, which turned into a farbrengen, and R’ Avrohom Maior [Drizin] farbrenged with us. At about midnight, the Rebbe exited his room to go home. The door to the zal was open, and when they saw the Rebbe leaving, the singing stopped and everyone stood up in place as is customary. The Rebbe gave a quick look inside and said, “marbin b’simcha” [we increase in joy]. There was a sort of silence in the air, since everybody was slightly in shock, but they quickly regained their composure and began to sing nonstop. Nochum Mizrachi drank a lot of l’chaim and was very joyous. We danced until three in the morning.

Friday, 7 Adar

I went with Dovid Malka to the East Side of Manhattan. I bought clothes for my nephews and Dovid also did some shopping. That is how we are slowly but surely buying all the gifts and preparing for the trip that was decreed upon us [the return trip to the Holy Land, as per the agreement with the Israeli government, at the conclusion of the K’vutza year, which used to end in the month of Nissan].


Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Tetzaveh, Zachor

This Shabbos Rashag did not come to the t’fillos, because his sister who lived in the Holy Land [Mrs. Sonya Rosenbloom], passed away. He is sitting Shiva in his apartment [on the third floor of 770]. Minyanim are arranged each day in his house [and apparently on Shabbos too]. It is possible that the Rebbe will go up one of the days to console him, but it is not yet known which day.

Monday, 10 Adar

In the evening, at 7:20 pm, the Rebbe went upstairs to the apartment of the Rashag for the purpose of “consoling the mourners.” The Rebbe went up the stairs through Gan Eden HaTachton (the hallway outside the Rebbe’s room). There were a number of T’mimim who sensed that the Rebbe was planning on going up, and they immediately went upstairs before the Rebbe would walk in. We didn’t know about this at all. Suddenly, we saw the light in the Rebbe’s room go out, and we thought that the Rebbe would be leaving to go home. Afterward, we realized that the Rebbe had gone up to the apartment of Rashag.

Originally, I did not think of going upstairs, but then I reconsidered and decided to go up and stand near the door and try to listen in. I went up in the elevator together with Yisroelik Zalmanov and standing near the door were R’ Dovid Raskin and many more bachurim. They were all waiting near the closed door and we tried to listen, but without success. After a few minutes, the door was opened. 

At first we thought the Rebbe was coming out, but it turned out that they actually wanted to squeeze us inside. The room was packed with bachurim and some men, and it was difficult to see the Rebbe. It was warm and very crowded. I stood on tiptoe but heard the Rebbe and saw him from the side. The Rebbe sat on a simple chair, leaning slightly on the desk near him. The Rebbe spoke about Resurrection of the Dead and other things.

Rashag asked questions and the Rebbe answered and explained. The Rebbe quoted from many Masechtos and it was an unusual sight. I could only ask myself – how had I merited this?

The Rebbe also asked Rashag whether there was someone to say Kaddish all year [since she had no sons], and Rashag answered that she has sons-in-law and they would say Kaddish.

At 8:05, the Rebbe told Rashag to daven Maariv. Rashag went over to daven Maariv and the Rebbe (who did not daven in that minyan) stood throughout the davening and looked into s’farim that were on the tables. One of them was Gesher HaChayim, and throughout the davening the Rebbe looked into it. At the end of the davening, Rashag sat down and the Rebbe sat down again and then immediately got up, left, and went down the stairs. We went down, drenched in sweat, but happy at the z’chus we had, thank G-d.


Wednesday, 12 Adar

Today, I got a letter from Yosef Maatuf [the author’s cousin] which included a note for the Rebbe. The letter was sent “express,” so it put some pressure on me. I quickly sent in the note to the Rebbe and spoke with the secretary, R’ Binyamin Klein, about giving me the Rebbe’s answer. I went back in the afternoon and an answer was ready. R’ Binyamin typed it up and that same day I went to buy stamps so I could send a letter.

Today we went on Mivtza Purim to Kennedy Airport at the El-Al building. We put tefillin on with people, danced and gave out the Rebbe’s mashke and mezonos. Mishloach manos were given to the crew of the plane who will not be here on Purim.

Today, many guests came to the Rebbe from France.

Thursday, 13 Adar, Taanis Esther

At Slichos, the Rebbe motioned that we should sing “Rachmana D’Anei,” and “Avinu Malkeinu.” The zal was full and all the guests said the “HaGomel” blessing. There was pushing that reminded me a bit of Tishrei.

Mincha took place at 2:00. The Rebbe had an aliya for maftir and said the haftara, and we sang, “Avinu Malkeinu.” Sholom Horowitz recorded the Rebbe.

For Maariv, leil Purim, the Rebbe came down at around 7:30, holding a Megilla in a silver case. He placed the Megilla on the table that was set up near his place, a very wide table. 

At Maariv there was a lot of pushing because everyone wanted to stand near the Rebbe. I merited to be from those standing closest, “from those who see the face of the king.” The Rebbe opened the Megilla and folded it so that it would be like a letter, and when the name of “Haman ben Hamdasa HaAgagi” was mentioned, he stamped with his right foot on the ground. Rabbi Shusterman read the Megilla and he read it slowly, word by word. When the words “igeres ha’Purim ha’zos” were read, the Rebbe shook the Megilla.

At the end of the davening, the Rebbe held the Megilla in one hand and the siddur in the other hand. Everyone began to sing and the Rebbe nodded. In the meantime, until he went out to drive home, we stood and sang, “Vayehi B’Yimei Achashverosh,” and when the Rebbe left, he motioned with his hand to encourage the singing and it was lively.

We went to eat something in the dining room. R’ Michoel Lipsker [manager of the dining room] brought compote, which is quite an unusual occurrence. After we ate there was no farbrengen. I went to Tziyon Ozeri’s room and together with Chaim Mesharki, Dovid Malka and Bentzion Raskin we farbrenged. Then we went back to 770 and danced.

Friday, 14 Adar, Purim

The Rebbe came down for davening at ten, wearing tallis and tefillin. During the davening, he would occasionally touch the tefillin, sometimes on the box itself and sometimes the knot of the shel rosh. Twice he took the tallis off his head and arranged the knot of the tefillin. A boy standing with a camera photographed this but we all yelled at him.

After the davening, the gabbai, Rabbi Katz, announced that everyone should participate in Mivtza Purim. The Rebbe began singing “V’Samachta B’Chagecha,” and when he passed near the bima, he said to R’ Katz that he should announce that the Rebbe would give a dollar to whoever participated in Mivtza Purim. We were thrilled.

Boruch Hashem, we merited this great privilege again [the previous time was on Chanuka] and the gabbai made his announcement and several buses left. I went to Flatbush where we gave out material on Purim because there weren’t enough mishloach manos. It poured all day. 

We returned at about four and without forgetting that it was Erev Shabbos, we danced and sang in the small zal and it was very lively. There were some guys who drank a lot. At about five, R’ Dovid Raskin came and gave out dollars from the Rebbe based on a list of those who had gone on the mivtza. Every bachur’s name was read and he was given a dollar.

For Mincha, everyone stood and sang; this was after dancing nonstop. The Rebbe came in for Mincha and went directly to his place and the singing stopped. After Mincha the dancing continued, and the French guests were particularly lively.


Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Ki Sisa, Shushan Purim, 15 Adar

There was a large farbrengen today but it’s a pity we did not have a major farbrengen like every year, since this year Purim was on Friday.

The farbrengen today was not joyous; the Rebbe was very serious. He spoke about the people in Mafdal and their shameful action – joining the Coalition. The Rebbe spoke very sharply, even screaming. The heart literally trembles hearing the Rebbe’s cries. (In regards to the claim of Mafdal that considering the security situation, they have to join the Coalition), the Rebbe’s response was that there is no connection whatsoever between the security situation and the political one, and it is all merely a trick, or as the Rebbe put it, “lo dubim v’lo yaar” (lit. no bears and no forest, similar to the term of “straw man”).

During the farbrengen, two bottles of mashke were given to the secretary, R’ Groner, and they were distributed to the people present. We, who stood far away, did not get any. The Rebbe gave a bottle to the shliach in France, Rabbi Pashtar, and mezonos too. He said it should be given out to the entire group who came from France. They began singing “HaAderes V’Ha’Emuna” as the Rebbe sang it on Simchas Torah, and it was a bit joyous.

After the farbrengen, the Rebbe began singing “Nyet, Nyet.” The same was also after Mincha and as usual, we escorted the Rebbe until President Street, near his home.


They began singing before Maariv, and when the Rebbe came in, they continued singing but the Rebbe did not motion at all and the singing stopped immediately. Tonight he went home later than usual.

R’ Dovid Raskin gave out a dollar from the Rebbe to whoever went on mivtzaim and hadn’t gotten one on Friday.


Friday, 21 Adar

It is almost certain that there will be a farbrengen this Shabbos, but not 100% for sure.

Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas VaYakhel, Shabbos Para

This Shabbos there were all the indications that there would be a farbrengen, and everyone was sure of it, since at the time the chazan reached “HaAderes V’Ha’Emuna” the Rebbe tapped with his hand on the lectern. At first they sang the usual tune, but then those standing on a different side began singing the tune of the French national anthem, and then things got joyous. Even after they finished the words, the Rebbe continued to encourage the singing, and they sang it a few times without words. In Musaf too, the Rebbe encouraged the singing of “Hu Elokeinu” with his hand. Because of these signs, we were sure there would be a farbrengen, but alas, we were disappointed when it did not happen.

The Rebbe davened Mincha as usual, and after davening he went out and they began singing “Utzu Eitza V’sufar,” which the Rebbe encouraged with his hand, and they danced and sang, until Rashag began reviewing a maamer Chassidus, like every Shabbos.

After that, they began singing the niggun “Mi Li Ba’Shomayim” from chapter 73 of T’hillim (the Rebbe’s chapter from 11 Nissan that is coming up soon). The niggun went well, thanks to Sholom Horowitz who fit the words to the tune, which is actually a continuation of the niggun “Yifrach B’Yamav Tzaddik.” There was a handful who sang other niggunim.

At Maariv it was terribly crowded. When the Rebbe walked in, he smiled at someone standing right opposite the door.

Sunday, 23 Adar

Today, the group from France left. Before they set out, they each merited to receive a Hagada shel Pesach from the Rebbe. The Rebbe stood in the doorway of his room, and they passed by, one by one, and received a Hagada shel Pesach with a dollar inside it. Afterward, he went out to accompany them, and I merited to stand right near the Rebbe. They sang the song “HaAderes V’Ha’Emuna,” and the Rebbe clapped his hands. The French danced a bit and then got on the bus, and the Rebbe waited until the bus disappeared from view.

Tonight there was yechidus, including for some members of k’vutza: Yosef Yitzchok Borovsky, Gershom Ochana, Yosef Yitzchok Baitch, Yosef Segal. Borovsky said that the Rebbe told him to say the daily lesson in Tanya.

R’ Yisroel Meir Lau arrived in 770 and went in for yechidus [his first yechidus with the Rebbe] at about 3 am, and he exited after close to an hour. When he went in, until the door closed, I managed to see the Rebbe stand to his full height and extend his hand to him. The bulk of the conversation was about Mihu Yehudi. When he came out, he said that he could hear the secretary ringing the bell, and he told the Rebbe that he feels uncomfortable and would like to leave, but the Rebbe waved dismissively.

At about 4 am, when the Rebbe left for home, R’ Lau was still standing near 770, and the Rebbe indicated that he should approach and he asked him, “What about matters of the ‘merkava?’” Meaning, how does he plan on getting back to his hotel at such an hour. He answered that one of the bachurim will take him to his hotel in Manhattan. The Rebbe responded, “If not, you need to call a cab or else go with this car [the Rebbe’s].” 

R’ Lau pointed to R’ Eli Slavin, indicating that he would be driving him. The Rebbe called over R’ Eli Slavin and asked if he was taking him, and R’ Eli approached somewhat and answered in the affirmative. The Rebbe then drove away, and R’ Lau set off with Kuti Rapp, Shabtai and Kalmanson.

When they returned afterward, they told that R’ Lau told them during the ride that he had told the Rebbe about his visit to Fayid [in Egypt, which had been captured a few months before, during the Yom Kippur War] at the exact time that they were printing the Tanya there. The Rebbe said to him, “Surely you took a Tanya,” and he answered in the affirmative. 

The Rebbe then asked him if he learns Chitas, and R’ Lau answered in the negative. The Rebbe asked, “Mi me’akeiv?” (lit. who is obstructing), and R’ Lau responded [citing the response of the Gemara to the very same question], “The yetzer hara and the se’or she’be’issa” (lit. yeast in the dough). The Rebbe answered him that it is forbidden for a rav to speak that way in front of a baal ha’bayis (lit. homeowner, i.e., a layman), and R’ Lau answered that he was not talking now to a baal ha’bayis. The Rebbe responded in turn, “Also not in front of a rav.” At that point, Shabtai made up with him to learn Tanya with him when he returns to the Holy Land.

R’ Lau also recounted that the Rebbe told him during their talk, that “I had always thought that the whole status of R’ Lau is due to his being the son-in-law of Rav Frankel [former chief rabbi of Tel Aviv]. Now I see that R’ Lau himself is a person of stature” [at that time, he was still a young rabbi, age 36, and was not yet famous].

He also said that the Rebbe spoke to him asking why they don’t change the government system that has been in place for 25 years, especially as Jews have always been part of major revolutions in the world. That is all that I can recall.

Tonight, R’ Dovid Raskin went in for yechidus, and when he came out he farbrenged with the bachurim.

Monday, 24 Adar

Maariv was delayed because R’ Binyomin Gorodetzky went in to the Rebbe. I don’t recall for how long he was in yechidus, but it was a very long time.

Tuesday, 25 Adar

Today, the Rebbe went to the Ohel (due to it being the birthday of the Rebbetzin).

Thursday, 27 Adar

During the davening, the Rebbe looked into Rashi [on Chumash], for a while in Parshas P’kudei and for a while in Parshas Shmini. During the recitation of T’hillim, he first said chapter 74 and then chapter 72 [his own chapter]. Chapter 74 is the chapter of the Rebbetzin.

Friday, 28 Adar

Today I got the privilege from Zalman Goldstein to take the Rebbe’s thermos to his house [in the morning, one of the T’mimim would bring it to 770, and it would be returned in the evening]. As per the usual practice, I placed it between the two doors on the left side.

Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas P’kudei, HaChodesh

This Shabbos there was a farbrengen and the Rebbe spoke about Mihu Yehudi. He spoke about the lies of the people of Mafdal and said that now they can say about their leader “long live the slave,” because he has become a slave to slaves. The Rebbe added that the “seat” is actually on his head, because he is willing to give up everything just to hold on to the seat. He also spoke about how the government did not respond to the demand of 1500 Jewish leaders from around the world.

During the farbrengen, four chassanim approached to receive mashke. He also gave a bottle of mashke to R’ Dovid Raskin for the farbrengen of LYO, and also to the administrator of Beis Rivka for the dinner, which is supposed to take place this upcoming Tuesday.

After the farbrengen, they began to sing “Hinei Mah Tov,” and the Rebbe made motions with his hand. Relatively speaking, it was a joyous farbrengen. The Rebbe was called up for shlishi at Mincha, and they took out the Torah of Moshiach. After Mincha, he began singing “Nyet, Nyet.” When he left 770, with us walking behind the Rebbe as usual, a small child approached the Rebbe and extended his hand [to shake], and the Rebbe gave his hand as well.

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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