August 15, 2017
Rabbi Shloma Majeski in #1081, D'var Malchus

Chapter 16 of Rabbi Shloma Majeskis Likkutei Mekoros, Volume 2, responds to the questions: Where does the Rebbe explain why he refers to the Previous Rebbe when he actually means himself? Where does the Rebbe state that he and the Previous Rebbe are one and the same? (Underlined text is the compilers emphasis) 

Translated by Boruch Merkur

[…] My father in-law, the Rebbe, told the virulent atheist that for him [for the Rebbe] there are two worlds. That is, the Rebbe experiences the spiritual state ofyou shall behold your world in your lifetime.” Even in such a place [i.e., a Communist stronghold] and while speaking with such a person, the Rebbe revealed and drew down the aspect ofmin haolam vad haolam,” two worlds.

The latter concept is reflected in what is explained elsewhere regarding Moshe Rabbeinuthat although he is a soul from Atzilus [the highest of the four worldsfor the sake of fulfilling his mission to redeem the Jewish people] he engaged in dialogues with Pharaoh, King of Mitzrayim, who was extreme in his opposition to G-dliness. In fact, Pharaoh went so far as to say, “The Nile is mine and I have made myself”; he was so arrogant that he conceived of himself asI am, and there is none but me.” Pharaohs mindset was even more wicked than that of Sancheriv, who scorned and cursed, etc., as explained at length in the discourse of the Tzemach Tzedek Tar HaSchira. Yet even in the wicked domain of Pharaoh, Moshe Rabbeinu drew down the aspect of Atzilus.

This approach is likewise apparent in my revered father in-law, the Rebbe, whose freeing from prison we celebrate. Even when he was incarcerated in Spalerka, speaking with someone who was totally opposed to G-dliness, even there he drew down and revealedmin haolam vad haolam,” two worlds.

My revered father in-law, the Rebbe, is Nasi Doreinu (Leader of the Generation, in a manner similar to how they granted kingship to Shlomo, proclaiming, “Eternal lifeto King Dovid” (see at length the address of 12 Tammuz of this year, Section 8 ff.). He grants to all those who walk in his path this capacity to reveal G-dliness in the face of opposition.

)From the address of Shabbos Parshas Balak, 17 Tammuz 5745; Hisvaaduyos, pg. 2524-5(


Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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