July 18, 2014
Rabbi Shloma Majeski in #934, 10 Shvat, B’Shalach, D'var Malchus, Moshiach & Geula

Adding to the perfection of the number eleven that exists in terms of the month (the moon, the lesser luminary), this transition contributes the perfection of eleven in terms of the day (sun, the great luminary) as well – eleven in its purity. * The ascent begins with the leader of the generation (baal ha’hilula), and in virtue of him, the entire generation is uplifted (“the body follows the head”). * From Chapter Six of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)

Translated by Boruch Merkur

8. […] In this generation, the tenth day of the eleventh month is the yom ha’hilula of my revered father in-law, leader of the generation. On this day, “all of his deeds, his Torah, and his avoda, which he worked on throughout all the days of his life” ascend, reaching an immeasurably greater height. This ascent begins with the leader of the generation (baal ha’hilula), and in virtue of him, the entire generation is uplifted (“the body follows the head”). This process is underscored by the following day, for the tenth day (the yom ha’hilula) leads to the eleventh day of the eleventh month [whose significance will be discussed].

The latter is further emphasized by the particular arrangement of the calendar this year. This year the tenth day of Shvat comes out on a Wednesday, the fourth day of the week. On the fourth day [of Creation] the luminaires were suspended [in the heavens], “the two great luminaries,” alluding to the ascent that takes place following the histalkus [of Yud Shvat], on the eleventh day of the eleventh month [the first day of the Rebbe MH”M’s assumption of leadership]. Adding to the perfection of the number eleven that exists in terms of the month (the moon, the lesser luminary), this transition contributes the perfection of eleven in terms of the day (sun, the great luminary) as well – eleven in its purity (as above in Section 7).

The main aspect of the perfection of eleven, however, is achieved on the tenth and eleventh of the eleventh month of this year, the forty second year (5710-5752), which is connected with the Divine name Mem-Beis, 42, from which all ascents are derived (as above Section 6). That is, all the elevations of the forty-two days of the hilula have already been completed, as well as all the elevations accomplished from his deeds and service over the past forty-two years (in addition to the perfection of “and it was on the fortieth year…”). Of course, forty-two corresponds to the forty-two journeys in the Midbar HaAmim (Wilderness of the Nations) of this generation, the final generation of exile and the first generation of redemption. In fact, immediately we shall enter the good and spacious land with the true and complete redemption, when there will be the ultimate revelation of the aspect of eleven within eleven – “You are one.”

(From the address of Thursday Parshas B’Shalach, 11 Shvat, and Shabbos Parshas B’Shalach, 13 Shvat, Shabbos Shira; Seifer HaSichos 5752, pg. 318-319)



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