The Energy of Youth, the EXPERIENCE of the old
May 30, 2019
Rabbi H. Greenberg in #1168, B'Chukosai, PARADOXES Of The Rebbe

Emphasized nature and yet was a source of so many miracles. 

The Rebbe recognized that the ultimate objective for this world was not for it to cease being a natural world. Nature is G-d’s creation and our task is to instill sanctity into nature; not to shun or override it. The Rebbe would frequently cite the words of the medieval sage known as the Ran (Rabeinu Nissim) that G-d does not perform miracles needlessly. 

The Rebbe would also cite the words of the Rambam that Moshiach does not have to perform miracles. The Rebbe clarified this that it does not mean that Moshiach cannot or will not perform miracles; it is just that he does not have to. The rationale being that the entire concept of the Messianic Age is that the presence of G-d will become manifest within the physical world as it is governed by G-d’s own system of nature.

Despite the Rebbe’s respect for the integrity of nature the Rebbe would perform thousands of miracles. 

However, in most cases the Rebbe would say that it should go through nature. So even when the doctors gave up on a patient and the Rebbe’s blessing miraculously restored the person to good health, the Rebbe wanted the person to visit another doctor so that the miracle does not break or shun nature; rather it is cloaked within nature.

In some of the Rebbe’s Chassidic discourses the Rebbe would demonstrate how miracles cloaked in nature were even higher than the miracles that totally defied nature. The Rebbe fused these two worlds of nature and the supernatural.


Extolled, respected and celebrated the power, holiness and virtue of children and youth, yet appreciated, cultivated and greatest promoter of the value of old age and senior citizens.

We live in a culture that celebrates youth. The Rebbe was no exception to this rule and empowered children and young adults.

The Rebbe established Tzivos Hashem that encourages children to continually grow in their Yiddishkeit. The Rebbe conducted special rallies for these children and addressed them on their level.

The Rebbe even praised the rebellious spirit of the 60s. To the Rebbe it was a positive phenomenon, although some took it in the wrong direction. 

Yet, despite the Rebbe’s strong attachment to the youth, the Rebbe also stressed the importance of senior citizens.

The Rebbe was strongly opposed to arbitrary retirement. The Rebbe established Kollelim (special Torah study programs) for senior men and women and even had special occasions when he would address them.


The Rebbe is connected to the past; yet always looking into and connecting to the future.

 In society we have people who live in the past. They wax nostalgic about the good old days. Some do not look sanguinely at the future. 

In Jewish society there are those who would point to the Talmudic statement that “if the early generations were like angels we are like people; but if they were like people we are like donkeys…” This reference was designed to show how inferior we are to our forebears. Consequently, we have to always look back to our forebears for guidance and inspiration.

The Rebbe agrees with the premise that it is important for us to connect to and have profound respect for our forebears, as the Rebbe did in the most extreme way when he connected to his father-in-law.

However, the Rebbe does not agree with the conclusion that we are necessarily inferior to our forebears. In fact, that Rebbe would point to the areas in which we are superior to them.

Moreover, the Rebbe was not content to have us remember the major historical events of the past such as the Exodus and the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. While remembering these events are crucial and we must connect to them; we must also connect to the future by living our lives with Moshiach, as if the Redemption has already occurred.

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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