July 2, 2014
Rabbi Gershon Avtzon in #932, Moshiach & Geula

Dear Reader sh’yichyeh,

We are entering the fourth month of the year, the month of Tammuz. Throughout the generations the month of Tammuz was always a month of solemnity and mourning. It is famous for the fast day of the 17th of Tamuz and the weeks that lead to 9 Av. There are also many halachos relating to restrictions of celebration and joy that are associated with the three weeks.

Yet, in recent Jewish history, there was something very special that happened in the month of Tammuz. Starting with the liberation of the Frierdike Rebbe from a Soviet prison on 3 Tammuz and culminating with the final release on 12-13 Tammuz, the month started having celebrations of redemption, to the extent that many Chassidim call the month of Tammuz, a Chodesh of Geula.

[We must realize the extent of the celebration for the liberation of the Frierdike Rebbe. It wasn’t just “another liberation”; it set the stage for the Frierdike Rebbe and our Rebbe to leave Russia and bring Yiddishkait and Chassidus to America. This was a vital step in preparing the entire world for Moshiach (see Sicha of 28 Sivan 5751).]

In the Sichos of the summer of 5751, the Rebbe teaches us that this is no coincidence. The closer we get to Moshiach the truth of everything must be revealed. The truth is that everything in the world – including things that seem to the contrary – is good and reveals the glory of Hashem. While we are in Galus we do not see that. When Moshiach comes, it will be revealed to all. Right before Moshiach we will begin seeing things for what they truly are.

In truth, the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash was so that the third Beis HaMikdash can be built in its full glory. As the famous Midrash says, “The lion rose in the constellation of the lion and destroyed Ariel (the Beis HaMikdash)…on condition that the lion will come in the constellation of the lion and rebuild the Beis HaMikdash (Yalkut Yermiyahu #259).” That is why the date of the fast is the 17th of Tammuz. 17 is the numerical value of Tov-Good, because in truth, it is all good.

That is why right before Moshiach Hashem gave us the Yom Tov of 12-13 Tammuz so that we should be able to feel and see Geula even in the darkest days of destruction and Churban. When we see Geula in everything, especially through learning Inyanei Moshiach and Geula, then that reveals Geula to the world. That is why it is of utmost importance to learn Hilchos Beis HaBechira – the laws and measurements of the Beis HaMikdash – because through that we build the Beis HaMikdash.

In the words of the Rebbe (17 Tammuz 5751): Since we are standing on the threshold of Redemption which will arrive imminently, it follows that the study of the laws of building the Temple this year must be of an entirely different order. First and foremost, this study must be permeated with the awareness and full recognition that this study is not merely an academic exercise, but it is relevant for practical use for the very next moment. For indeed, the “Future Sanctuary that we are anticipating has already been built and is fully developed (above and will thus imminently) be revealed and arrive from Heaven” instantaneously!

The attitude toward the study of these laws should be analogous to what was discussed in the recent past, that the special increase in the study of the teachings of Torah concerning Redemption and Moshiach should not simply serve as a catalyst to hasten the coming of Moshiach and the Redemption. Rather this study should enable us to live with and thrive on matters of Moshiach and Redemption. We should “live with the time” of the Messianic Era. This can be attained when one’s intellect is filled with the comprehension of the Torah concepts of Moshiach and Redemption. This intellectual awareness then extends to and permeates one’s emotions, and then translates into thought, speech and action consistent with this very auspicious period of time when we stand on the threshold of Redemption and we are able to point with our finger “Behold he (King Moshiach) has come.”

Rabbi Avtzon is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati and a well sought after speaker and lecturer. Recordings of his in-depth shiurim on Inyanei Geula u’Moshiach can be accessed at http://www.ylcrecording.com



Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (http://www.beismoshiachmagazine.org/).
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