March 23, 2012
The Rebbe in #828, Beis Nissan, D'var Malchus, Moshiach & Geula, VaYikra

Translated by Boruch Merkur

How can it be that no one opens his mouth in protest?! If the Jewish people would ask and plead, bang on the table and demand that Moshiach Tzidkeinu should come immediately, “now!” – Moshiach would be here already, arriving even on Shabbos!

As we are now in the month of Nissan, may it be G-d’s will that we see the imminent fulfillment of the promise, “in Nissan they shall be redeemed in the future [redemption].”

This is especially urgent in the wake of the slew of tribulations the Jewish people have suffered throughout the years they have spent in exile. That is, not only have the Jewish people suffered throughout the four general periods of exile, beginning with the Babylonian exile, which is called “reisha di dahava – the head of gold” (Daniel 2:38), but in each of the four exiles the Jewish people suffered numerous forms of tribulations, especially in this final exile.

The tragedy is even greater considering what the Mitteler Rebbe writes at length in Shaarei T’shuva – that after all the harsh decrees and pogroms, etc., that have been up until that point, there shall be no more horrors suffered by the Jewish people. And this was said in the time of the Mitteler Rebbe (1773-1827)!

Notwithstanding all of the above, all the suffering of exile experienced up until now, Rosh Chodesh Nissan (the “rosh – head” of the entire month) has already passed, and still “we are not saved” (Yirmiyahu 8:20)!

In fact, now the second day of Nissan has also gone by, the day marking the passing of the Rebbe Rashab, nishmaso Eden. On Beis Nissan the entire life’s service of the Rebbe Rashab ascended to G-d, and every year on that day this phenomenon is repeated. The concept of the service of the righteous ascending On High on the day of their passing is explained in the teachings of Chassidus regarding Lag B’Omer, celebrating the return of Rashbi’s soul to G-d, a concept that is elaborated upon each year the Rebbeim delivered a maamer on Lag B’Omer. (There is also the well known story regarding the Mitteler Rebbe’s manner of conduct on Lag B’Omer – that others would experience overt miracles unfold around the Mitteler Rebbe on that day, and couples who suffered from childlessness would be blessed with viable offspring.) But irrespective of all the greatness of Beis Nissan, that day has passed and still “we are not saved”!

Now it is Gimmel Nissan, Shabbos, when everything relating to [events that transpired during the week, such as] Rosh Chodesh Nissan and Beis Nissan ascends spiritually, but still “we are not saved”! How can it be that no one opens his mouth in protest?! If the Jewish people would ask and plead, bang on the table and demand that Moshiach Tzidkeinu should come immediately, “now!” – Moshiach would be here already, arriving even on Shabbos!

Of course, when Moshiach Tzidkeinu finally comes, he will resolve the problem regarding travelling beyond the t’chum (city limits) on Shabbos, as well as the problem related to preparing the Third Shabbos Meal and Melaveh Malka!

It is not enough to simply join in when one sees children singing “We Want Moshiach Now!”; the point is that the person should truly want Moshiach and plead that he should come “now”!

(The Rebbe’s holy face became very serious at this point and after a short pause, the Rebbe smiled and said) we shall conclude in the manner of professional orators, “U’va l’Tziyon Goel, v’nomar amen,” “May it be G-d’s will that He build the Beis HaMikdash speedily in our days and grant us our portion in Your Torah.”

(From the address of Shabbos Parshas VaYikra, 3 Nissan 5742, bilti muga)

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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