March 11, 2011
The Rebbe in #780, D'var Malchus, VaYikra

Translated by Boruch Merkur

Since he has a connection with the Rebbe, he is compelled to behave as a chassid. * There is no alternative. One must fulfill the directives of the leader of the generation!

Every individual is aware of the connection he has had – as well as the ongoing relationship he has – with the Rebbe Rayatz, leader of our generation. And it is especially relevant that the leader of the generation has put himself in a position whereby he would have a connection with him. [Being that the Rebbe himself established this relationship] the bond is, therefore, eternal (whether he likes it or not). For this reason, one is compelled to conduct himself in accordance with the directives of the leader of the generation, with regard to spreading Judaism and the wellsprings of chassidus outward, etc., etc.

I repeat: Since he has a connection with the leader of the generation, he is compelled to behave in this manner; he has no choice to act in any other way.

Of course, one may argue that he does in fact have a choice, etc., [whether or not to follow the Rebbe’s directives], drawing the following inference from a more stringent relationship, his relationship with the Creator himself. If with respect to the commandments of G-d Alm-ghty he has a choice, and the foreknowledge from On High [of his decision] does not compel his choice, etc., how much more is this the case regarding the directives of the leader of the generation.

Says Chassidus: Not necessarily so! G-d’s omniscience and [even] His commandments actually do not compel compliance, on the basis that “The heart does not reveal to the mouth” (Zohar Chadash on B’Reishis 8:1). That is, this matter is not revealed or manifest in the realm of speech, etc., whereas regarding the commandments of the leader of the generation, the matter is manifest and revealed in speech. Moreover, it has even been expressed in terms of practical action, to the extent that the Rebbe has devoted himself with self-sacrifice to the matter. Thus, where the Rebbe is concerned, it does in fact compel compliance.

There is no alternative. One must fulfill the directives of the leader of the generation!

And in response to his argument that he will eventually get around to doing it [to following the Rebbe’s directives]: True, there is the concept of G-d being long-suffering, etc. But when we’re speaking about the commandments and directives of the leader of the generation, he has personally proclaimed and underscored that the intent is to get involved in it now, and he has said that he means this very person, and he has stated that the intent is that he should be “the axe upon the wood,” actively doing! Therefore, it is not to be put it off for later!

The only alternative is to, G-d forbid, wage war against the leader of the generation, thereby fighting against one’s very own being, [for one’s true nature is to be] obedient to the directives of the leader of the generation!

Since he knows that there is no choice but to fulfill the directives of the leader of the generation, and ultimately he will be forced to conduct himself in this manner, it is better that he should do so immediately from the onset, in a manner of benevolence and mercy [from On High] (insofar as there would then be no need to force him, etc.).

The statement the Rebbe Rayatz made at the beginning of his leadership is well known – that he wishes that the conduct [from On High] should be with benevolence and mercy, etc. Similarly, there is the well-known saying of the Rebbe Rayatz: “A chassid is clever.” Therefore, knowing that ultimately he will have no choice, and that he will be forced to behave this way – he does so from the onset, and of consequence it will indeed be with kindness and mercy, etc.

(From the address of Shabbos Parshas VaYikra 5743, bilti muga)


Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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