July 3, 2018
Beis Moshiach in #1125, Feature, SPREADING THE WELLSPRINGS

This is the story of a miraculous meeting of the minds, of two Canadian girls, one from Montreal and one from Toronto, born the same year, both having grown up in secular homes, who did not meet for decades, but then show up in 770 as Lubavitcher Chassidim, each with her unique skill set and yet with a shared vision, to convey the messages of D’var Malchus through art and video. One is a speaker and a life coach and the other an artist, and their combined efforts have opened a new world of opportunity for Jewish women everywhere to be in touch with the message of Geula.

Only the Rebbe MH”M could arrange such a meeting in order to create a project designed to fill the world with the light of Moshiach, so that everyone can work on living with Moshiach in a practical way.

Mrs. Sara Tova Best and Mrs. Bina Cole see how the Rebbe hand-picked them and guided them throughout their secular upbringing. Mrs. Best learned Hebrew and Yiddish as a child and therefore was able to learn and teach in the Torah world when she became a baalas t’shuva.

Mrs. Cole, who was encouraged to be an artist at a young age, observed the unity of Hashem through the unity of shape and form in nature.

While learning the Rebbe’s sichos of 5751/52, they felt the need to explain these Chassidic concepts in a practical way so everyone could understand and apply them to the biggest and the smallest, the holiest and the most mundane life experiences. Their dream was to extract the Rebbe’s unique Geula life skills from Chassidus.

Thus, D’var Malchus in video and art was born.

Why art? Art affords us the opportunity to visualize the world of Geula so that we can start to live with Moshiach. Each original painting is carefully designed to correspond to a D’var Malchus video. Through art we can picture the Geula and step into it, with the Rebbe holding our hand on this magnificent journey.

Gimmel Tammuz: can we view it as a second chance at Mattan Torah (bringing down the luchos after Moshe was on Mount Sinai for forty days)? What was our error?

The Torah and Moshe told us the truth, but our eyes deceived us. That is how we know that the avoda and challenge of today is to use our eyes to see the truth. “Open your eyes,” says the Rebbe. The visuals of the world confuse us, but Torah is true.

Has the time now come for the tikkun? Can we use our eyes, not to deceive us but to see the truth of Torah? The goal of is to focus our physical vision on a Geula reality that until now we could not see with our eyes. The Rebbe tells us that by seeing it, we can live it and become partners in its creation.

D’var Malchus through art and video gives us the ability to use our power, the Rebbe’s power, to visually create Geula moments in our life and to connect what the neshama already sees to physical sight, seeing Moshiach now.

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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