August 31, 2018
Beis Moshiach in #1133, Chabad History, Diary

How did the Rebbe respond when he passed the mitzva tank blasting the song about how we will march with the Rebbe at our head? * Why did the Rebbe not enter the cemetery at the funeral of Reb Shmuel Levitin, and who did he instruct to enter? * When did the Rebbe start the practice of distributing dollars through the “Tankistin” at the end of weekday farbrengens? * Letters home, written by R’ Tuvia Zilberstrom during his k’vutza year, describing some of the events of Elul 5734 in 770, with the Rebbe. * Plus some choice pearls from the recollections of R’ Dovid Offen from that same period.


Sunday, first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul 5734

Dear parents and everyone, many greetings!

This date reminds us ever more strongly that there is also a period of time when we need to make an accounting for the past and, of course, resolutions for the future. Of course, when we are in the Rebbe’s presence, this behavior is different than any other, ordinary year.

Obviously, even the preparations for Rosh HaShana over here need to be completely different so that we can see and even palpably feel that which was only in the category of “hearing” until now, and the work is great. Mainly, what is demanded is effort so that the laborers don’t slack off.

This Shabbos Mevarchim there was a farbrengen again which lasted three and a half hours. The Rebbe spoke again, at length, about mivtzaim, how they are among the activities that we need to make resolutions about these days, along with those mivtzaim, which include the three pillars that the world stands on: Torah, Avoda, and chesed. There was also a sicha about bitachon and its significance. There was also a continuation/conclusion to the 20 Av farbrengen as I will write about soon, bli neder.

Last Thursday, the Rebbe went to the Ohel. On his way back, his car caught up with one of the tanks that was on the same highway. The tank was playing the niggun “B’Sismas U’faratzta Nitz’ad B’Rosh, Im HaRebbe Neilech B’Rosh.” When the Rebbe passed them, he turned to them inside his car with hand motions, and even when he already passed them, he turned around in the car and continued to encourage those inside.

Today, Sunday, after Mincha, he gave R’ S.A., who is returning to Tunisia, two volumes of Likkutei Levi Yitzchok for him to give to someone in Tunisia. Yesterday, on Shabbos, he gave out mashke, including to Emanuel [Schochet] who was visiting here on Shabbos. During Shabbos, he smiled towards him a lot and gave a bracha for his father who turned 70 last Thursday. In honor of this, they made him a party at the Schochet house in Toronto for length of days and good years.

At the end of the farbrengen, the Rebbe once again started the niggun “Becha Batchu” like last week.

I was happy to hear that [my brother] Binyamin will be coming soon, G-d willing, and I really want to hear which of the parents will be joining this time.

With hope for good news,



Thursday, Parshas Shoftim

Many Greetings!

Again, I enclose some of the sichos from last Shabbos. Apparently there won’t be a farbrengen this Shabbos.

Here, all is well. “Can the shofar blow in the city and the people etc.?” The footsteps of Tishrei are already felt. A few of the first guests have already started to appear, and more come each day.

In the meantime, good Shabbos, k’siva v’chasima tova, and everything good.

To see each other,



Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Ki Seitzei 5734, month of mercy and forgiveness.

To my dear parents, for length of days and good years, a blessed good week to all of you!

I hope that this letter will yet find the boys [the brothers of the author] at home. All are looking forward to their coming. Everyone is trying to guess whether Binyamin will remain here [in 770].

Here, all is well, thank G-d. One by one, the large crowd has started to flock toward Beis Chayeinu to greet their master [the Rebbe] on the holiday. We expect that this week, for 18 Elul, followed by Shabbos Slichos, that the beis midrash will continue to fill up. We hope that there will be a farbrengen on 18 Elul. Starting next Shabbos there will be a series of farbrengens until after the month of holidays [Tishrei]. This Shabbos, once again, there was no farbrengen.

You surely heard the sad news about the passing three days ago of the Chassid, R’ Shmuel Levitin a”h, who was 91, the elder of the T’mimim and Chassidim in our generation. The funeral procession began as the coffin left, followed by the Rebbe, who suddenly indicated that he wanted to go to the cemetery. Of course, everyone immediately began looking for rides and joined the trip, including the mitzva tanks. That is how the funeral entourage went.

Until the Rebbe returned to 770, a police car traveled in front of his car – melech poretz geder – to go through all the red lights and other obstacles. The Rebbe did not enter the cemetery (as he said a few years ago, if he goes inside, he would have to visit the Ohel). He stood outside the fence looking very serious until after the burial. Still, he told everyone to go inside. Every few minutes he turned to see whether anyone remained outside. At a certain point, he turned to R’ Binyamin Klein and R’ Groner and asked about the group that remained outside, why didn’t they enter? They answered that they were Kohanim. A few minutes later he asked the secretaries whether they were also Kohanim and ordered them to go inside. (See box for more details.)

What is even more painful (aside from his passing) is that this generation leaves and does not leave anyone who can be said to be their successors. We all hope for the fulfillment of the promise of “arise and sing those who dwell in the earth,” and I will conclude with the blessing of the month.

Kesiva v’chasima tova, l’shana tova u’mesuka. May we share only good news, materially and spiritually.

To see and hear from each other,



Sunday, 28 Elul 5734

To my dear ones, for length of days and good years, many greetings!

For the conclusion of this past year and with G-d’s help for the beginning of the new year, we will once again wish ourselves a k’siva v’chasima tova, l’shana tova u’mesuka, a year of joy, peace and true serenity (even though the letter will arrive before Yom Kippur).

As I said in my previous letter, it’s “Tishrei’ing here,” especially last Thursday during the farbrengen. Surely you heard it on the live broadcast, the warm welcome to the guests who arrived from Eretz Yisroel. It is readily apparent and it is possible to read the minds of everyone who comes here, for whom it is the first time and those for whom it’s a second, third etc. Fortunate are those who saw all this and it is worthwhile for this to spend a fortune.

I thought at the time how amazing it would be if Abba was among them and we hope that perhaps [he will be] in the group that comes before Yom Kippur.

Yesterday on Shabbos there was a farbrengen. I will include notes from the previous farbrengen that I still have, and G-d willing, will also send the content from yesterday’s farbrengen. The Rebbe spoke about what was newly added in recent days, the matter of mivtza hadlakas neiros for every Jewish girl, to light with a bracha, and in addition to this, to add a SheHechiyanu on Erev Rosh HaShana… As he said in the Thursday farbrengen:

“Moshiach is about to come, ‘And Hashem will be for them an eternal light,’ and so we need to prepare the world and light up the world and this pertains to every Jewish home.” Another special expression he used, quoting R’ Hillel of Paritch: “When the Rebbe says Chassidus, it is Mattan Torah. It is Hashem Himself speaking, since the Sh’china speaks from his throat.”

Of course, “do not turn away from your own flesh,” and if it is possible before the coming of Moshiach to influence our relatives in B’nei Brak so their daughters at least do the act of lighting, and even regarding making the bracha there is no question, as mentioned in the sicha, since the mother will not have in mind to include her daughter in the bracha. Of course, the same for our neighbors… that will go more easily. Therefore, the importance of the matter is readily understood, if it has not been done yet.

A particularly interesting sicha was given yesterday for bachurim which, of course, the members of the hanhala particularly enjoyed. The Rebbe demanded that at least a minyan of bachurim go to yeshivos Toras Emes, Kfar Chabad, Paris, Montreal etc. and do so voluntarily. The Rebbe actually wanted to speak about this on Simchas Torah, but before Rosh HaShana there is time to prepare the funding for the expenses etc. It is really fascinating that immediately on Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh, without any special request on the part of the mashpiim, a list of volunteers was drawn up among the bachurim, and I think they already reached the number of eighty bachurim who agreed to travel to those yeshivos.

Meanwhile, everybody is preparing for the crowning of the king on the upcoming Rosh HaShana, and with joy. As the Rebbe said at the farbrengen, that there are those who come to the Chassidim and argue, what place is there for joy etc., and what place is there for a farbrengen in these days, which are days of “musar.” But the answer is self-understood that when we come before the King who is present in the field, and He shows a smiling face and receives everyone with a pleasant countenance, although it is the case that we have to make an internal accounting of everything one did and rebelled against the will of the King, it is also the case that it is forbidden to be depressed and dejected, because one may not come that way before the King. On the contrary, he is in a state of great joy over the opportunity to come before the King.

And with confidence in judgment, for a good and sweet year, both materially and spiritually, and to see and hear from each other,



Motzaei Shabbos Kodesh, Shabbos Slichos, 5734

Dear family, for length of days and good years, a good and blessed week to all of you!

In another hour and a half, we will be going to say Slichos with the Rebbe in 770. These words [with the Rebbe in 770] have greater significance in these days of preparation for the upcoming month of Tishrei. “Beis Chayeinu” [770] is “alive,” especially since last Thursday, as the guests flock here in number to the Rebbe shlita, and people are already talking in Tishrei mode. Above all the rest, among the guests is once again the partisan, R’ Zushe Wilyamowsky, who stands at the ready at his post: every time, after davening, or when the Rebbe leaves 770, he is always ready with a niggun and a march song, as the Rebbe conducts the singing.

Of course, on Friday, one day after his arrival here, R’ Zushe was already among the Tankistin who went out to conquer New York.

Today, there was another farbrengen for about three hours, at the end of which the Rebbe again spoke about his letter regarding the efforts to hold public events in which there will be crowd participation in the “three pillars.” He also asked to connect this with the event of Slichos, since anyway everyone is there together.

Surely, you heard the broadcast of the farbrengen of Chai Elul and the special new practice when the Rebbe gave a dollar to each person that was present for the purpose of giving it to tz’daka. The distributors were the “Tankists” who went on mivtzaim especially this past week. [Editor’s note: This practice that became standard in the later years at the conclusion of weekday farbrengens was in fact done for the very first time at this farbrengen, Chai Elul 5734].

This past week, on Sunday, there was once again an impressive event when hundreds of children gathered to daven Mincha with the Rebbe. At the end of the gathering, the Rebbe personally distributed two dimes to each of the children and also for everyone involved in the activities of the day camps.

This time, I will keep the letter brief, everything good, and to hear from each other,


P.S. I forgot to mention the news that was certainly not publicized in Eretz Yisroel. This past Thursday, an El Al jet on the way to New York was “hijacked” by a few Chabad Chassidim traveling to 770. They tried to – and perhaps one day it will be possible – to have the plane land on the roof of 770, but as of now it has not been made suitable for such a landing… The lead “hijackers” were R’ Zushe Wilyamowsky and R’ Berke Chein, residents of Kfar Chabad. They announced over the loudspeaker that nobody could escape, and would be forced to put on t’fillin and drink a shot of “mashke,” to at least waken the neshama a little bit from its faint. Afterward, they began to dance and continued to dance the entire trip, as other passengers joined them.

ELUL 5734


On Thursday, 11 Elul, the venerable mashpia R’ Shmuel Levitin passed away. The next day, Friday, the Rebbe went out to the levaya at about 11 with a seifer in his hand. (Generally, when the Rebbe would go outside for a levaya, he would accompany the procession on the right side of the sidewalk until Kingston Avenue and wait for them to drive off. Afterward, he would walk back on the left side of the sidewalk to 770. They would prepare a cup with water, he would wash his hands, enter the “small zal” upstairs, sit on the bench where the bachurim sit, where he would always sit for Mincha and Maariv, and say “Yosheiv B’seiser” and move his seat a few times along the bench, and only then go into his room).

I told one of the American bachurim who had a car, “The Rebbe will probably go to the cemetery, the proof being that he took a seifer with him for the road.” And that is what happened. It was a complete surprise. The Rebbe got into the car with all of the secretaries and they went to the cemetery. I immediately joined that bachur and we went. When the Rebbe arrived, he stood behind the fence opposite the Ohel, since the grave of R’ Shmuel is very close to the Ohel, and looked toward the grave until after it was completely covered up, all the while also reading from the seifer.

The secretary, R’ Leibel Groner, stood near the Rebbe and the Rebbe asked him, “Why don’t you go into the beis ha’chaim, are you a Kohen?” And then continued, “I am not going in, because if I go in, I will need to go to the Rebbe the shver, and I did not make a hachana for that.” He then told everyone to go inside. Afterward, he returned to 770.

The conclusion of the Shiva of R’ Shmuel was on Chai Elul, and there was a farbrengen during which the Rebbe mentioned R’ Shmuel, and said that he was a shliach of the Rebbe Rayatz. He added that R’ Shmuel once told him here, in the room in 770, that when he was in prison in “that country,” he did not have a siddur, and he forgot how one says in the “morning blessings,” “Ha’nosein la’ayeif ko’ach” or “la’ya’eif.”

He did not think about the fact that he was under great pressure, materially and spiritually; the only thing that concerned him was the proper way of saying the morning blessings. The Rebbe concluded that certainly the Rebbe Rayatz will take care of all those things that a person has to be concerned about after one hundred and twenty years in the next world. After that, he gave mashke to his son and told him to distribute from it to the crowd.

At the conclusion of the farbrengen, the Rebbe said that he wants to distribute dollars to the crowd through the Tankistin. This was the very first time. There was terrible pushing among the bachurim who manned the “tanks,” and he asked a few of them, “Du bist ah Tankist?” He also spoke very sharply that there should be no pushing, and that nobody should take more than one dollar, because quantity will not add anything. And whoever does take more is a “Chassid shoteh” (deranged piety); and generally speaking it is impossible to be a Chassid shoteh, because a shoteh cannot be a Chassid. I also merited to receive and distribute to the crowd.


After the farbrengen, I suddenly bumped into R’ Avrohom Ehrlichman, from our home city of Ramat Gan. He is a very Chassidic Jew, knows a lot of Chassidus, and reviews maamarim by heart in good taste and in a clear manner. He said to me with emotion and sobbing, “Dovid’l… I came today to the Rebbe for the first time, the Rebbe said l’chaim and looked at me… Oooy… If I knew what the Rebbe is, I would have come a long time ago…” In truth, from that point onward, he would come to the Rebbe every year for Tishrei until 5752.

A few days before Rosh HaShana, the Rebbe has the custom to say a sicha for the Jewish women and girls. All the women and girls go into the large zal downstairs, and the Rebbe sits on the platform with R’ Chadakov at his side. All of the bachurim and Anash listen from the loudspeakers upstairs.

On 24 Elul, my mother Mrs. Basya (a”h), merited to come to the Rebbe for the first time, and on the very night that she arrived, the Rebbe delivered the sicha for almost an hour. He mentioned a “new mivtza,” that every girl from age three should light Shabbos candles with a bracha. (Later, there were many sichos on the topic.) After the sicha, after having merited to see the Rebbe in person for the first time, she told me, “The Rebbe looks like an actual king.” Her eyes were fixed upward for the duration of the sicha and she was very moved. After the sicha, all of the women went by the Rebbe and gave him a p”n, and this went on for about three hours. Afterward, he went up to his room.


The next day, 25 Elul, the Rebbe went to the Ohel, and when he returned he announced a surprise farbrengen, saying that one of the reasons for the farbrengen is because of the guests who came for Tishrei.

At the farbrengen, he spoke again about Neiros Shabbos Kodesh, and asked if all of the groups from Eretz Yisroel already arrived, since some of them actually came in middle of the farbrengen. He even asked for some people by name, “Did Yisroel Leibov arrive?” and said that he should say l’chaim. “Did Zimroni arrive? Where is he? I know him, he sends me hundreds of notes from people, let him say l’chaim for them.” And the Rebbe was in a very joyous state.

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (http://www.beismoshiachmagazine.org/).
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