November 29, 2016
Beis Moshiach in #1046, D'var Malchus, Toldos

These radical upheavals, these tumultuous changes, which have a direct impact on the majority of the worlds population, are taking place in silence and tranquility, something that has no precedent in the entire history of mankind!

Translated by Boruch Merkur


The emphasis on the refinement of the world as a preparation for the Messianic Era is something that is (not only “mentioned in the Torah portion” but is) openly visible throughout the world these days.

To preface: There are those who are confounded by what is being spoken about of late. Namely, that we are presently in the Era of Ikvisa D’Meshicha, at the end of the exile. These people ask: “What is taking place that supports this claim? The world is carrying on as usual from year to year!” But in fact it is the greatest wonder that they don’t consider the nature of current events unfolding in the world, events that are readily observable and well covered by the media!

In the latter period (beginning with recent years and increasing with the passage of time), upheavals are taking place across the globe, events that are transforming the political landscape from one extreme to the other. It is only with the benevolence of G-d that these revolutions are silent – that is to say, without war and bloodshed, may G-d preserve us – to the extent that daily life (commerce and the like) goes on as usual in these places, as if everything were operating as normal. But the fact is that revolutions are taking place in each of these countries on a national level, internal upheavals that are being negotiated through diplomacy.

First off there is Russia (the country the Rebbe Rayatz, leader of the generation, came from, together with his students and emissaries). The seventy-year rule of this powerful and dreaded regime instilled fear in all of its citizens, to the extent that even for just criticizing the government the consequence would be exile to an uninhabitable land (such as Siberia). However, the governing party, all of a sudden, in a very short time, underwent a radical change (enacted by those at the top political positions), and this change spread to other countries of the same ilk.

Similarly regarding China, which has in recent years undergone a transformation in its domestic policy as well as its foreign policy. The same is true of India, for its longstanding heads of state were swiftly replaced. Likewise with regard to the upheavals in several other countries across the globe, including “iyei ha’yam,” “islands of the sea” [“these are the Greek Islands” –Rashi on Yeshayahu 11:11], though there is no need to elaborate at length about this matter, as it has become widespread public knowledge.

The fact is that we are speaking about upheavals in nations that are heavily populated, revolutions in governments and regimes whose authority extends to billions of people across the globe, affecting the majority of the world’s population!


The “miracle” is this: It is a great wonder that people don’t pay any attention to these cataclysmic changes, in the spirit of the verse, “Ein baal ha’nes makir b’niso (a person doesn’t perceive the miracle done for him).” These radical upheavals, these tumultuous changes, which have a direct impact on the majority of the world’s population, are taking place in silence and tranquility, something that has no precedent in the entire history of mankind!

Typically, regime change is accompanied by prolonged war and bloodshed, disrupting normal life, bringing in its wake ruin and destruction, may G-d preserve us. There is no need to search extensively through the annals of the history of previous generations for examples, for in this very generation we have seen the incredible destruction of the Second World War, may such horror never recur.

However, in recent times, even greater upheavals are taking place, affecting the majority of the world, and with G-d’s kindness, they are transpiring without wars and without bloodshed, G-d forbid, but amidst quietude and tranquility.

Moreover, it is apparent that these upheavals taking place in our times are (not only concerning human affairs but are) also in connection with the rest of G-d’s creations: the animal, plant, and mineral kingdoms. I am referring here to the rash of earthquakes that have taken place recently, in a short span of time, and are presently continuing in various places in the world (including this nation). But with the kindness of G-d, the number of victims has been minimal, especially when compared to similar events that took place earlier.


To explain the connection of the above to the Jewish people: (For at first glance, political upheavals that take place across the globe (without any direct connection to the Jewish people) are not of interest to Jews, whose job it is to study Torah and fulfill Mitzvos.)

a) Recognizing the greatness of G-d and offering praise and expressing appreciation for His great benevolence. For, in addition to the greatness of G-d that is visible in the framework of nature – as it is written, “The heavens recount the glory of G-d, etc.,” “when I see Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and stars that You have established” – G-d’s miracles further emphasize His greatness, in a more pronounced way. In our case, this applies to the radical upheavals across the globe taking place amidst quietude and tranquility, a miracle of such enormity that these occurrences are only within the power of the Alm-ghty Himself, Who is omnipotent. Thus, we must thank G-d for His great kindness, for how much more is praise and thanks incumbent upon us for these great miracles when even for natural conduct we must thank Him daily. (And certainly, involvement in Torah study and the fulfillment of Mitzvos does not detract at all from contemplating the greatness of G-d, and praising and thanking Him for His tremendous kindness.)

b) An increase in faith in the coming of Moshiach and the anticipation of his imminent arrival, “Every day I await his arrival,” for the revolutions taking place in the world are signs cited in the Midrashim of our Sages, of blessed memory, regarding the era of Ikvisa D’Meshicha, the stage immediately preceding the redemption. Indeed, seeing these upheavals in our times serves as an addition confirmation that we are presently in the final moments of Ikvisa D’Meshicha, and immediately Moshiach Tzidkeinu will arrive.

(From the address of Shabbos Parshas Toldos, 4 Kislev, 5750, muga)

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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