November 25, 2014
Rabbi Shloma Majeski in #950, D'var Malchus

“All that remains is for G-d Alm-ghty to open the eyes of the Jewish people in order for them to see how the true and complete redemption is already here and we are now sitting at the table set for the feast of the Leviason…”  From Chapter Seven of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)

Translated by Boruch Merkur

13. The lesson and instruction from the above is readily understood, especially in our generation, our times:

We have frequently mentioned what my revered father in-law, the Rebbe, leader of our generation, said - that in addition to the fact that “all predicted dates [for the end of exile] have passed,” Jews have already done t’shuva and everything has been completed, including “polishing the buttons.” All that remains is for G-d Alm-ghty to open the eyes of the Jewish people in order for them to see how the true and complete redemption is already here and we are now sitting at the table set for the feast of the Leviason and the Shor HaBar, etc., etc.

Thousands of years ago, the Jewish people descended to Mitzrayim, as the verse says, “These are the names of the Jewish people entering Mitzrayim.” Yet they openly experienced “geulas Yisroel - the redemption of the Jewish people.” Throughout all time thereafter, Jews, amidst their state of exile, have been charged with the avoda of drawing down the redemption [and we have the full promise of the Torah that the complete redemption is forthcoming].

How much more [is this promise of the Torah binding and soon to be fulfilled] after having amassed “our deeds and our service throughout all the generations,” including that of Rebbi Elazar ben Azaria in his time, and Rambam in his time, and all the righteous Jews throughout all generations. Indeed, we have also accumulated, in recent generations, all the avoda of our Rebbes, our N’siim, who descend from the dynasty of King Dovid from the tribe of Yehuda, including the avoda of my revered father in-law, the Rebbe, throughout the course of his seventy years of life in this world (5640-5710).

How much more so and kal v’chomer in our generation, in our time, after everything has already been completed (as above), we have the full promise of the Torah that there will certainly be “‘(Remember the day of your exodus from Egypt) all the days of your life’ – [“all the days of your life”] coming to include the Days of Moshiach, the Messianic Era.”

Simply speaking, there must not be an interruption, G-d forbid, between “all the days of your life” and “the Days of Moshiach (as Jews experienced throughout all the generations prior to this generation). Rather, the “all the days of your life” of every Jew - his physical life as a soul in a body - surely includes “the Days of Moshiach” (as well) without interruption, for the redemption comes instantaneously, in this very instant and in this very place (even in the state of nighttime, “entering into Mitzrayim”). The redemption will unfold in a manner whereby the final moment of exile and the final point of exile become the first moment and first point of redemption.

And every Jew goes directly from “the days of your life,” in these times and in this place, without any interruption at all, G-d forbid (even if one is, for example, already more than seventy years old), in the ultimate way possible, “Reuven and Shimon settled [in Mitzrayim]; Reuven and Shimon went out [from there],” in the continuation of “all the days of your life” in the Messianic Era, and the eternal life that will be then.

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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