August 15, 2016
Rabbi Shloma Majeski in #1034, D'var Malchus

From Chapter Nine of Rabbi Shloma Majeski’s Likkutei Mekoros (Underlined text is the compiler’s emphasis.)

Translated by Boruch Merkur

8. […] Presently, in this physical world, we are in galus, the final exile. Within exile itself, we are situated in the “lower hemisphere” (which in our time is home to the majority of world Jewry and Jewish infrastructure). But it is specifically from and within this lowly state and location, this lowly exile, the lowest possible depths, that the greatest ascent is achieved. And this elevation affects all levels as well as all preceding and superior generations, including the “upper hemisphere” and the most spiritually advanced former generations (Moshe Rabbeinu’s Dor Deia, for example, the Generation of Knowledge). The positive impact continues until it results in the true and complete Redemption, a redemption of the entire world (including the “upper hemisphere”) and for all generations inclusively.  

As is known, the word “geula” (redemption) is comprised of the word “gola” (exile) with the addition of an Alef, signifying that the redemption is drawn into exile and comes about from and through (the avoda of) drawing the Alef of the Alufo Shel Olam, the Master of the Universe, into exile (gola).

It is specifically because the geula comes about from the lowest state that it is gives rise to the true and complete redemption, a redemption that is not followed by another exile. This aspect of permanence of the final redemption (unlike the earlier redemptions, which were impermanent) is seen in our singing in celebration of the final redemption “a shir chadash – a new song” stated in Hebrew in the masculine [“shir” not “shira,” which is feminine]. It is specifically through its deriving from the lowest depth that the truth and perfection of the redemption is revealed – that it is permanent and that it is manifest specifically in a revealed way, the qualities particular to S’firas HaMalchus (whose function is to reveal G-dliness in a permanent manner, as above Section 3), which is manifest in the true and complete redemption through Moshiach Tzidkeinu (of the royal Davidic dynasty). It is known that the unique quality of the redemption is G-dliness revealed below, in the physical world, the lowest possible depth, establishing in the lower realms a home for G-d(’s essence), may He be blessed, for at home one’s essence is revealed. Also, the word “gilui – revelation” is the etymological root for the words “geula” and “gola.”

9. Just as this is with regard to the general concept of exile and redemption, so it is with regard to the particular place we are in, “the lower hemisphere”: Since it (the Mikdash Mat) is the place where my revered father in-law, the Rebbe, leader of our generation, established as his place, as the source for spreading the wellsprings [of Chassidus] outward throughout the entire world, it is specifically in and from this place that the redemption and the building of the Third Beis HaMikdash unfolds – “The Mikdash of the L-rd; He has established it with His hands.”

The proper place of the Mikdash is, of course, in the Holy Land, in Yerushalayim, the Holy City, atop the Holy Mountain. But since we merit the redemption and the building of the Beis HaMikdash through “our deeds and our avoda throughout the entire duration of the exile,” especially at the end of the time of exile, through the avoda of “spreading your wellsprings outward,” therefore, in this place – and specifically this very place – there is the complete preparation for “The Mikdash of the L-rd; He has established it with His hands.”

(From the address of 28 Sivan 5751; Seifer HaSichos 5751, pg. 642-643)


Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (http://www.beismoshiachmagazine.org/).
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