June 29, 2012
Beis Moshiach in #839, 12 Tammuz, HaMaaseh

Directives for 12-13 Tammuz 

Proper Preparations

1) In 5748, the Rebbe MH”M said that the beginning of “the days of the redemption of the Rebbe, my father-in-law, leader of the generation, 12-13 Tammuz, this year, must be in accordance with the rule of “poschin bivracha” (opening with a blessing): Gut Yom Tov. (Sichos yemei ha’geula 12-13 Tammuz 5748)

2) “These days are remembered and done.” The entire event with all its particulars, including those people who were involved, etc., should be in a manner of “remembered” – a strong remembrance, to the point that it affects action – “and done.” (5748 ibid., p. 10, note 35)

3) The proper preparations for celebrating the days of redemption, 12-13 Tammuz, in every location, especially includes making good resolutions to increase in all areas of Judaism, Torah and mitzvos, especially spreading the wellsprings outward, starting with studying the teachings of the baal ha’geula [i.e., the Rebbe Rayatz], his maamarim and sichos, etc. (5749 p. 12, Chukas 5750)

4) Study the maamerAsara she’Yoshvim v’Oskim ba’Torah,” for the printing of this maamer and its distribution at the first celebration of 12 Tammuz provides us with an eternal directive to learn this maamer during the yemei ha’geula 12-13 Tammuz each year. (12-13 Tammuz 5748)

5) This study should be done b’rabbim [with many others], as one understands from the contents of the maamer and letter that the desire of the baal ha’geula was that it should be learned together with many others, in a manner of “Asara she’Yoshvim v’Oskim ba’Torah.” (5748)

6) Having no other choice, it can be learned with fewer than ten people, and can even be learned alone; however, it is best to try as much as possible to learn it with ten others. (5748)

Holding Farbrengens Until 15 Tammuz

7) In 5751, the Rebbe said to make the preparations for the farbrengen of the Chag Ha’Geula on a suitable day, and that depends on the circumstances of the particular location – whether it should be on the 12 of Tammuz or the 13th, or on both days, or even on the days that follow, especially Shabbos. (Sicha Parshas Chukas 5751)

8) At the farbrengens where Jews will gather together, people should encourage and support one another to accept good resolutions and additions in all areas of Judaism, Torah and mitzvos, and in spreading the wellsprings outward. (ibid.)

9) In 5749, the Rebbe said that they will certainly use these special days of 12-13 Tammuz until the 15th of Tammuz, when the moon (of the month of Geula) is full, which is the perfection of Geula — three days (“three times is a chazaka”) to arrange and continue the farbrengens of the yemei ha’geula. (13 Tammuz 5749, Chukas-Balak, 12 Tammuz 5749)

10) At the farbrengens, they should take on good resolutions in all the matters mentioned above, and how good it would be if at each of these farbrengens there would be three good resolutions in the three areas of Torah, tefilla, and chesed. (ibid.)

11) In 5748, the Rebbe made a new suggestion. Those who wanted to could write down something new that he did — or even better, three new things that he did — throughout the year, in the spirit of the baal ha’geula. (12-13 Tammuz 5748)

12) The purpose of this suggestion is to arouse those not yet affected, r’l, and perhaps they will be ashamed that they have not yet been able to fulfill this special suggestion. (5748, ibid.)

13) All this applies to men, women, and even children, [the latter] who do not act completely lishma (for the sake of Heaven). It is of primary importance to bring the children to a point where they can write, as well, that during the course of the year, they presented the baal ha’geula with three new things. (5748)

14) In 5750, the Rebbe said, in connection with the 63rd year since the redemption of 12-13 Tammuz, and the 110th birthday of the Rebbe Rayatz, that it would be advisable to:

a) Increase in giving tzedaka in multiples of 110 or 63 pennies, etc. (Balak, 14 Tammuz 5750)

b) To continue the farbrengens of Chag HaGeula on the 14th, 15th, 16th, with the strong hope that the 17th of Tammuz will be transformed into joy and gladness and holidays. (ibid.)

c) To strengthen public classes so that there will be “ten who sit and study Torah,” since the baal ha’geula has associated his celebration with that maamer. (ibid.)

d) Learn the maamer, “Ten Who Sit and Study Torah” 5688. (5750)

e) Say and learn chapter 111 of Tehillim with the commentaries, especially the Tzemach Tzedek’s reshima on the chapter. In addition, “give the wise and he will become even wiser”; according to each one’s ability, each should increase his avoda in Torah study and fulfill mitzvos in a beautiful manner. (5750)

15) Emphasize the belief in the coming of Moshiach and the anticipation of his coming: “I await him each day that he should come.” This especially includes studying Torah in inyanei Geula, beginning with the weekly sidra. (sicha Chukas-Balak, 12 Tammuz 5749)

16) [This also includes studying] the final two chapters of the Rambam’s Yad HaChazaka, entitled “Laws of Kings and their Wars,” and “Melech HaMoshiach.” Learning these topics should be in a manner of “He who studies the laws of…it is as if…”

Article originally appeared on Beis Moshiach Magazine (
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